This blog is to provide Web 2.0 resources to use for formative assessments. If you use one of the sites please comment on the blog and share your experiences with others.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


SoapBox- improves speaker/audience or teacher/student interaction with socially-ranked questions and a real-time barometer.  Try it out....(I suggest copying the code and pasting once at the site.)

Enter 337-122-383 at

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Quote to Ponder

Rubrics & grades allow us to evaluate children without ever interacting with them.  by kalinagoenglish via Twitter

Monday, October 24, 2011

Some Paper and Pencil Formative Assessment Tools

Formative Assessment Strategies
Ok, so I realize this is a Web 2.0 blog, but I strongly believe in balance of strategies.  Yes, paper and pencils still have their place in the classroom.  I came across this site that shares a long list of simple formative assessment strategies and provides templates for you to use (some of them are interactive- so there is a little bit of tech included).

Check them out and leave a comment if you found them helpful or share if you used one!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Education 2.0: Social networking for your class
Diipo connects you the teacher with your students by making it easy to communicate with your class. Diipo also connects you with other educators and your class with other classes. Featuring an easy-to-use and familiar user-interface similar to Facebook and Twitter, Diipo helps students stay connected and engaged.
Sign up and start using Diipo today!

Try it out below.... (sign up as a student)
Class: Formative Assessment Example
Sign up:
Class ID: 13456
Passcode: panther

Friday, October 7, 2011


Quizlet -
Create a simple quiz to assess your students background knowledge.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Quote to Ponder...

I came across this quote on Twitter and it made me think...what are your thoughts?

How long has it been since you've seen a scantron test that made you say "Wow, that's great work!" #edchat!/RGMontgomery/status/120374636813889536

Using Wordle to Assess

Wordle is a world cloud generator, but can be used to assess knowledge on many levels. Here are a few ideas...

1. While students are watching a video, have them type in the key words and concepts as often as they are repeated.

2. Have them assess their own soft skills, repeating the ones used most in that periods work time.

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Instantly capture video interviews. Intervue is a quick and easy tool for publishers who are looking to gather short video responses online from anyone with a webcam.

*Very easy to setup
*Make it public or private
*Allow all to see videos or just you

CLICK below and try it out!!! (Please...)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Flisti- Create free online polls without signing-up. Embed in your website or blog.

Have you used any of the suggested tools in this blog yet?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Online Interactive Corkboard

Linoit is an awesome tool that can be used for formative assessments. Use it as an entrance or exit slip or a KWL. Try it out below. Share some ways you might use it in the classroom. (Hover the mouse over the small box labeled "Formative Assessment" - it should drop down the sticky notes. Click on one of the sticky notes- drag and drop it on the page. Write your note.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Class Dojo

Class Dojo-

Make it simple to do positive behavior management by providing instant recognition in class

ClassDojo enables you to easily award and record points, achievements and rewards for behavior and performance in class in real-time, with just one click of your smartphone or laptop. Social and emotional learning finally gets brought to life!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

RumbleTalk- A Backchannel Chat

RumbleTalk - The chat experience itself is as straightforward. Users can login as a guest, through Facebook, or as a Rumbletalk user. Once logged in it’s just like any other chat room. Administrators can enter any words they want filtered (such as swear words). You can embed the chat in your website or wiki or share a link.

Setup is easy! Enter your email and password and you are off!
